Priceline for HIgher Education

By Sam

There is something that bugs me about higher education.  We pay taxes into many institutions providing High Ed, and then we also pay high tuition which is rising at a steady rate every year.  They are a service provider, providing and education service to the people, yet if any other service industry operated like they do the door would soon close and the sign out front would say “Going out of Business”.  

How about this idea, the “Name your own Price” for higher education.  Higher Ed institutions would competitively bid for student by actually having to give their bid package to a company that operates much like Priceline.  The bid package would include all of the monetary costs as well as reviews of the program from former students (gathered by the company, not supplied by the school).  Say you know what degree you want, you get your bids.  Do you want the bargan priced degree or does one of the higher priced programs offer something you cant live without.  

I think this approach would help just a little bit in getting students back some enhanced value in a system that seems to be just adequate at best.


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